Sunday, June 28, 2009

Whoa babe, take 2009

Stephanie, Ellen, Ara, Samantha, Stephanie Wild, Sheldon, Marcello and I are all sitting around the kitchen table at Edenfred, post-Taliesin, enjoying leftovers and pisco sours. Pisco sours are fierce. We owe mega-thanks to Carla Alvarado for teaching us her unbelievably yummy and super-easy recipe. This is the new drink of choice for BDDS!

Ara had 40 cherries tonight. Check back tomorrow for the consequences thereof.

Stephanie Wild has a quizzical look on her face—she just returned from her first visit to the Alice in Wonderland bathroom.

Here we all are, exhausted and happy after two great concerts. Even Marcello (our dog) is tired. What a great season this has been, and what a great day today was! We definitely pinned the tail on that donkey.

Effi Casey whacked the s$%& out of that piñata. Go Effi!

One of the many highlights of the evening was our dinner drawing. Our dear friend Emily Earley won the dinner drawing! Emily has been coming to our concerts since the very, very beginning, and she's introduced zillions of people to BDDS.

Kris Knight won the second prize, the dinner for 6 from Fromagination. Kris is another dear friend—she donates massage therapy to BDDS artists.

Jack "we love that loud tie" Holzueter won the third prize—lunch and golfing for four at the Blackhawk Country Club.

OK, party's breaking up—it's been a great season, thanks to everyone who has helped make it happen!

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